Black and Red Roulette Strategy (Best one out there)

Roulette Strategy Video Information:

The most popular bets on the roulette table are Black and Red, this is especially the case in online casinos. This is a strategy that involves you increasing your bets after a loss on to the winning color.
Patience and discipline is required with this system strategy.

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Black and Red Roulette Strategy (Best one out there)

9 thoughts on “Black and Red Roulette Strategy (Best one out there)

  1. I too know many strategies but I don't have if anyone can finance.7317793151

  2. So…..the way I understood it without you pointing it out. Start $10 on red, keep the $10 on red until black comes out. When the black comes, place $20 on black and then if red comes ????? you didn't explain if black comes then you downsize back down to $10 and go from there. Hard to understand what you were talking about. Seems simple, but I don't get it.

  3. i bet if you play the next day you will not get one round play against a man designed system that only keeps you playing and losing.

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  5. I do the same thing as far as just betting on black or red but it’s just random in a sense and probability

  6. I've been doing pretty good the last couple days at the casino trying the red and black only but I attribute it to that gut feeling more so than the # sequence. I also only try to make$40 and walk when I blow the $20. I can usually play everyday and I win more than I lose. Great hobby if you're not prone to being a degenerate gambler. You have to get away from the guy dropping his rent check lest his luck start loveing with yours!!

  7. My misyake
    A 40 dollars i made it to 180 box
    Lost it all by bekieveing its red or what ever black and i bit high
    25 box and then 30 and then 50 all losss
    Put it on red black came
    Go yo blacks ….no red came

  8. give me $200 and I'll make $100 in 4 spins with 80% of the board covered 80% of the time.

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