The Free Press Craps Strategy – by Vince Armenti

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Vince is at it again! He’s got those innovative brain cells working overtime to come up with a strategy to help us all become high rollers!

The Free Press is a simple, but powerful strategy. It’s one that can help you press your bets while collecting a few dollars along the way. It’s an innovative way to incorporate a bet thats generally considered a poor bet because of the number of ways it can lose. But with this strategy, it’s an investment that you can use to cultivate and grow your place bets.

There are some risks to be sure, but when it works, it works!

Check it ou!

Source: YouTube

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The Free Press Craps Strategy – by Vince Armenti

7 thoughts on “The Free Press Craps Strategy – by Vince Armenti

  1. Great shooting D Really long roll there. Well played sir.
    Thank you for the shout-out. Much appreciated!!πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Hey great video man you're shooting is Way better you're under Much better Control. We need to meet up again what do you think about the Cherokee in siloam

  3. Thanks for sharing.

    That was a great roll with lots of inside numbers being hit, probably not so good for the field which seemed to tax the net winnings of a simple press and collect strategy.

    Ultimately I'm not a fan of this strategy and would probably avoid the field and press and spread across to get all the even box numbers covered with at least 3 units ASAP. I like to start on 6/8 at $24 each, concentrating my bet for a decent win on the first hit with reasonable probability. For an accelerator after all even box numbers have 3 units, I put a unit each on the hardways. When any of those hardways hit, treat it as an accelerator and parlay the winnings back onto the box numbers and then press the hardway that just hit an additional unit (we get 7.5 to 1 and 9.5 to 1 on the hardways in Australia but minimum bet is $5.. suffice to say its enough to cover all the box numbers a unit and press the hardway that hit a unit as well). It is important that the betting level on your place bets is sufficient that hitting an easy 4/10 or easy 6/8 produces enough winnings to collect at least a unit of profit AND press the box number AND also go right back up on the hardways for whatever level you are at.

    I more than doubled my buy-in very quickly playing this way last night after some initial losses playing another strategy. I think the multiplier effect of the "hardway parlay to place betting" approach means you keep getting paid that hardway hit over and over on the place bets for the remaining rolls and the hardways that have been pressed up are now self funding when the easy ways come. This was a new way to play for me as I was basically just trying to keep up with how my friend was playing (who was also a craps dealer and boxman for 25 years and knew his way around the table!)

  4. Agree!!!Excellent presentation! From Vegas striving to always be a winner! !Keep tthe dice rolling!

  5. Love watching this in action. Please note that 2,12 or 9 = a free press leaving 11 in the field.

  6. I Liked the video. Didn't care for Vince's strategy. It's too reckless for me. Fun to watch anyway.

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