Baccarat Live Casino Professional Gambler Gets Caught Filming By Surveillance & Casino Security.

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Baccarat Live Casino Professional Gambler Gets Caught Filming By Surveillance & Casino Security. In this video, Professional Baccarat Player Gambler Christopher Mitchell gets caught filming in the Casino by surveillance and threatened by security guards.

If you’d like to purchase some of my CHANGE YOUR LIFE merchandise, simply click here: If you’re brand new to my YouTube channel and have no idea who I am….. My name is Christopher Mitchell. In one word, I’m an Entrepreneur. My wife and I help people all over the world Change Their Lives for the better. We teach others how to become Happy, Healthy and Wealthy so they can start living the life of their dreams. If you’d like to contact me or hire me for my PERSONAL ONE ON ONE COACHING IN THE CASINO, here’s my personal email address:

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Source: YouTube

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Baccarat Live Casino Professional Gambler Gets Caught Filming By Surveillance & Casino Security.

10 thoughts on “Baccarat Live Casino Professional Gambler Gets Caught Filming By Surveillance & Casino Security.

  1. You don't have to live stream or record bac hands. You're legit brother. Keep them W's going Christopher. Thank you.

  2. Certain hotels might let you do live streams while playing if you clear it with them beforehand. Ultimately it would be good free PR for them. I recently watched another YouTuber play baccarat at a live casino and there were no issues. So it does happen. Great content keep the vids coming!

  3. Why do I lose every time I play baccarat what am I doing wrong that I canā€™t even win 100 dollars

  4. Hey Chris, sorry you got shut down by security. I was on the original live stream. You're gonna have to wear a disguise soon! On a positive note… I've been kicking ass and taking names in practice mode with your strategy! Looking forward to crushing the live tables in the near future.

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  7. If you'd like to purchase some of my CHANGE YOUR LIFE merchandise, simply click here: If you're brand new to my YouTube channel and have no idea who I am….. My name is Christopher Mitchell. In one word, I'm an Entrepreneur. My wife and I help people all over the world Change Their Lives for the better. We teach others how to become Happy, Healthy and Wealthy so they can start living the life of their dreams. If you'd like to contact me or hire me for my PERSONAL ONE ON ONE COACHING IN THE CASINO, here's my personal email address:

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