10 thoughts on “Craps strategy/concept 555 and I have been working on.

  1. I've often wondered why more highly skilled Di's like you haven't added this tool to their toolbox. I really like this with my 3:1 pass/ don't pass system. That way comeout naturals don't hurt you.

  2. Do you have a set for the 2/1 1/1 on the come out?. You need to make some of these ā€œfreeā€ winners to balance out the come out seven mistakes. The name of the game is ā€œcrapsā€ right?
    If you get a 6 or8 point why not hedge with hard ways and maybe even a one half place bet on the eight to limit your losses.

  3. Thanks Jacob, like you the jury is still out for me on these two plays. Yes they should win using law of averages, but a bad string of rolls will really decimate the bankroll and you would need a really big bankroll to ride out any bad runs. I still like the way you explore all these ideas which helps us think more about the game. Cheers

  4. I like this one Coach. I would really like to see you do some more practicing hitting the Big Red. Iā€™d also like to hear from you explaining more of how you choose which set to use to roll the Red. I noticed you used a few different sets on the 1st strategy. I think you were trying to take out the point set? Thanks for sharing Amigo. Looking forward to joining ā€œTEAM BITTNERā€ in the near future. Hereā€™s to keeping em šŸŽ² un-tilted an on plain.
    Later. Big Kahuna

  5. Maybe use your regular control grip, and look for favored numbers? Load up on a few, then use win to finance place bets

  6. I love this idea and have tried it myself. What might work better than a strict all seven set is a set the has the numbers slightly offset to take into account possible uneven rotation of the dice or any pitching. I almost never get perfect rotation so far and find that a slight offset will work. Just a thought brother that might be worth looking into. PLUS, I think you are getting WAY too much action off the wall for all seven set to work.

  7. Dice setting works for some people but not me but im open minded to it! if i want a seven i roll 3v set. lol.

  8. Jacob. I find your videos very helpful, thanks for staying real. At times I'm nervous walking up to a table I think of some of the things you say it makes me laugh so I calm down.
    And it's obvious your loving father tell Justice I said hi

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