10 thoughts on “Baccarat Winning Strategy – 89 SPECIAL + NO MIRROR $30 Profit – #1

  1. The bald-headed Botak Con-Artist Christopher Mitchell & Stacy are sitting in the front row! Observing & learning! Be careful! TQ

  2. OMG! The bald-headed Botak Con-Artist Christopher Mitchell & his cunning wife Stacy had slammed on the dislike buttons due to Emperor Cheetos 🀠 winning of $20 so quickly! TQ

  3. Emperor Cheetos 🀠 can start with $10 bets in the next battle against Baccarat which is the speciality of the King πŸ‘‘ of Baccarat, Con-Artist Christopher Mitchell! TQ

  4. Cockroach Road predictions is already given on the score board. Just look under the Bead Road board 'P & B' predictions. the colors show you the next predicted turn. Still its better to learn about this roads. Mr. Rafa has a good video on it. Beside wizard of the odds – Michael Shackleford has the completed video on it too. πŸ™‚

  5. Apparently, the little Monster son of King πŸ‘‘ of Baccarat, the bald-headed Botak Con-Artist Christopher Mitchell has joined his fraudulent parents to slam dunk on the dislike button! TQ

  6. I wonder why this casino pulls a 2nd card for the banker when it's a 3. If an 8 comes out on the third player card there is no 3rd banker card.

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