craps 101-lecture 9 -six eight strategy (part II)

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This video is part II of Dr. Skaff’s lecture on playing a 6-8 strategy. The video in Craps 101-Lecture 8 is part I. In this video two class members participate in demonstrating the 6-8 strategy.

Source: YouTube

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craps 101-lecture 9 -six eight strategy (part II)

9 thoughts on “craps 101-lecture 9 -six eight strategy (part II)

  1. @BoCraps that was the only thing i noticed too. funny i caught that. @mss3141 he was kidding about revoking your license.

  2. At 6.45, the player wanted to play the 5 and the 9. You adviced him to only play the 5, because the 9 is represented by the initial pass line bet. But, in theory, would it have been possible to be the 9 anyway?

  3. @JelleDemonie. That last sentence was 'But, in theory, would it have been possible to beT the 9 anyway?'

  4. Professor, You had said that leaving your place bets on the table when the puck is "off" still subject those bets to "lose" if a 7 come up. Doesn't "off" mean that those bet are not affected (win or lose) untill a point has been made and the puck in turned "on"?

  5. lol, the player on the end was getting frusterated because you wouldn't tell him that the number 9 pays out equal to 5. He wanted to know if the payout was the same as the 5, like 4's payout is equal to 10.

  6. I had some really great success with this system and hopefully i can keep it up!

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