The Qualifying Race Craps Betting Strategy: How I Qualify Random Rollers.

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Qualifying Random Rollers on the Craps Table is a subject that is least talked about in Craps but it’s just as important as any other strategy out there. In this video I share my very own strategy to qualify a random roller to determine if they are a shooter worthy of me to invest my money on.
In this video I also have a special announcement to share to you all.

“May the Dice be Nice”…..HCS

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For behind the scenes HCS footage go to Chef Dice and Mar-nster YouTube Channels.

If you have specific questions for me, you can email me at hawaiicrapsshooters@gmail

Source: YouTube

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The Qualifying Race Craps Betting Strategy: How I Qualify Random Rollers.

10 thoughts on “The Qualifying Race Craps Betting Strategy: How I Qualify Random Rollers.

  1. Aloha $Shot, This is a great strategy and I will definitely use it next month in Vegas. May I make a suggestion for those low rollers that want even less exposure? 1) Lay $40 on the come out. If a 7 rolls you made $18. Now you can keep your lay at $40 because you only need to hedge $18. Play $18 each on 6 & 8 and as soon as you hit a 6 or 8 you can take down your lay. 2) Lay $40 on the come out and if a point is established press your lay up from $40 to $80 so you can hedge the $18 each on the 6 & 8. As soon as you hit a 6 or 8 lower your lay from $80 down to $40 and if you hit another 6 or 8 then take down the lay. MHO

  2. I found this informative and good to go…looking forward to trying this. Thank you 🙂

  3. Mahalo, I qualified myself on the bubble craps machine at Fremont. Table was full early in morning. Too bad they no give hat for good button pusher, 1st roll in Vegas 30 rolls.

  4. I don't know if this has been said – I know you don't like the don't pass on the come out just in case the 6 or 8 comes out – but if you do the don't pass on the come out and the 6 and 8 come out you can always move the don't pass to the number you want as a lay – but if the come out roll is a 4 or 10 then you are set with the better odds

  5. The “qualifying” here is that your random shooter proved he could roll a Six and Eight he was not even interested in!

    We know he was rooting for Sevens and Elevens.
    And we know that he was “worthy” of at least one Five because he did at least establish Five as a Pass Line point he now hopes to repeat.

    My suggestion is to refrain from this …and even Frank Scobkete’s 5-count. …Opting instead for The Dice Doctor’s front line “Eligible Shooter,”capable of at least one point repeat. If not one, or more Comeout Naturals.

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