Baccarat 1: Dr. X-Ray Strategy shown. Tutorial at 2,000 subscribers. Welcome!

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Welcome to my channel – The Baccologist.

Less than 7 minutes of actual playing time with $10 units to win 22.8 units (in the video I said 28.8 units, my bad, in my defence I’m new to YouTube and very excited and nervous).

What do you think of Dr. X-Ray?

1,000 subscribers I’ll share my Terrific Twos Strategy

2,000 subscribers I’ll share my Dr. X-Ray Strategy




Source: YouTube

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Baccarat 1: Dr. X-Ray Strategy shown. Tutorial at 2,000 subscribers. Welcome!

6 thoughts on “Baccarat 1: Dr. X-Ray Strategy shown. Tutorial at 2,000 subscribers. Welcome!

  1. It is (83.3) 678-7884 /83.ForT-ruth
    You need JESUS. Pray to HIM, HE loves you.
    When you die as we ALL will soon. 99.9 sooner than they think 🤔 will kneel before JESUS. Romans 10:5/10. The One and only true Son of GOD Almighty, all others are false..we are all sinners and need JESUS. JESUS was crucified on the cross at Calvary and then on the third day rose again, for you and I (John 3:16). So, Choose this day whom you'll serve. For if you don't it will be chosen for you and that is HELL
    Arguing with me is silly at best. Bc I'm just the messenger…
    Please call .

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