Learn How Japanese Billionaire Beat Trump Casinos!

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First Release of System That Took Down Trump!
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In 1990 Trump invited Tokyo billionaire, Akio Kashiwagi, to play at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City.

β€œFrom the very first hand, Kashiwagi started beating the hell out of us,” Donald J. Trump said in anger. Trump was down a million dollars within half an hour.

Two days later Kashiwagi headed back to Tokyo with $6 million of Donald Trump’s money in his pocket!

For the first time the Kashiwagi Method is being revealed!

It beats all casino games with even-money bets!

And, it is so powerful that all you need is $35 to start winning $1,000 an hour!

We are now accepting a few more players!

Source: YouTube

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Learn How Japanese Billionaire Beat Trump Casinos!

8 thoughts on “Learn How Japanese Billionaire Beat Trump Casinos!

  1. Same year in May kashiwagi lost 10 million dollars and that too in the same casino(Atlantic City). There is no such thing as a perfect betting Strategy. Stop wasting people's time.

  2. So, what do you think of doubling-up your bet/s after a loss, like used in the 'Martingale Method' in Baccarat?

  3. … and let's not forget that Akio Kashigawi was murdered and the crime was never solved. At the time, he owed a lot of money to casinos, including $4m owed to Trump's casino.

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