How to make a Minecraft RAVINE Town!

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How to make a Minecraft RAVINE Town! Today we will be using a minecraft ravine to make a cool series of houses to form a TOWN! Pretty cool and unique huh? But don’t worry the whole thing works even if you are alone, just follow the same steps but only make one house!

Thank you to Botbox (who defined the style) and Ajustme for helping me with this build today!

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How to make a Minecraft RAVINE Town!

10 thoughts on “How to make a Minecraft RAVINE Town!

  1. my friends have just decided to play minecraft with me, and i’m gonna take the lead to create these types of things

  2. but I add some tree with design so it can make the Town Dark with some leaves roof but not much and add some farm on top of the town and add more floors

  3. I miss read the title and thought for like 9 minutes, they were building a raven town. Needless to say, I was confused.

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