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Welcome to “Monster Poker Community presents Your Poker Journey,” the ultimate podcast for poker enthusiasts and players alike!
Join us as we dive deep into the fascinating world of poker through the eyes of experienced players, sharing their remarkable journeys from novice to seasoned pros.
In each episode, we sit down with poker legends, rising stars, and everyone in between
to explore the highs and lows of their poker careers. Our guests open up about their triumphs,
struggles, and the invaluable lessons they’ve learned along the way.
Whether you’re a seasoned player seeking inspiration or a beginner hoping to gain insights,
this podcast promises to be an enriching and entertaining experience for all.
Not only do we bring you gripping poker stories, but we also have some exciting news to share!
Introducing the groundbreaking “Bankroll Challenge Reward” system, exclusively tailored for our dedicated audience.
As you progress, you’ll unlock a series of exciting rewards, including exclusive access to expert tips, personalized coaching sessions, limited-edition merchandise, and much more.
So, if you’re passionate about poker and determined to take your game to the next level,
tune in to “Monster Poker Community presents Your Poker Journey” and be part of the poker revolution.
Let’s embark on this poker journey together, and may your every hand be a winning one!
Contact us at monsterpokergroup@gmail.com for any queries
We are a community of poker enthusiasts who are willing to play, learn, and grow together. Monster Poker community is an open platform for learning and bridging the knowledge gap between all newcomers and professionals in the poker world. The community is completely organic and run by the players and for the players
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/u5QAm9P
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monsterpokercommunity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/monsterpokercommunity
Telegram: https://t.me/mpcin
00:00 Overview and introduction about MPC
00:55 Reward system
02:05 Our Bankroll challengers
03:15 Poker Ban in Karnataka
03:45 Guest Intro
04:15 Podcast Intro
04:50 Aman’s entry
05:05 How did you get into Poker?
05:35 Why Poker?
06:20 How did you find out about MPC?
07:05 Where did you start your journey?
07:45 Why did you start BRC?
09:40 Why Pokerstar?
11:00 How did your Parent react?
12:23 How did you start?
13:50 What’s keeping you motivated?
14:40 Poker Ban reaction
16:30 Ban Lift
17:20 How was the quick Transition in stakes?
20:45 Gaming PC
22:00 Gift from MPC
24:00 Live Poker Experience In Goa & Grind House
26:35 10L to 30L Journey
27:30 How did you adjust in life and on the table
31:30 Any advice for new players
33:00 Rapid Fire Round
Source: YouTube

Lovely Podcast Man. Keep Crushing Aman. Utsav Bhai is great as usual. See you on the felts.