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I love showing bluffs to bad talkers, "I was just trying to scare you away, guess you got scared 😘"
wait a damn second… that's a poker vlogger sitting to the left of the dealer!!! That mother loveer hasn't posted in a month RIGHT AFTER I fell in love with his videos… Tell him he is cursed to never hit a flop until he comes back. Thanks
I'm all in baby… Scott's voice
6 2 off has the same chances of flopping a full house as A K off
Now he REALLY doesn’t like you.
i hate reckless poker. but i LOVE when someone beats the bad talking guy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
you really posted a 50 dollar pot
What a dick move showing the 6 duece😅
A good poker player plays his opponents even more than he plays his own cards.