Winning Strategies for Playing Blackjack : Snap Shot Count Strategies for Blackjack

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

Learn about the snap shot count and get an explanation of the snap count in blackjack in this free how-to video on winning strategies for playing blackjack.

Expert: Joe Marshall
Bio: Joe Marshall has been performing magic since the age of three years old when his grandfather showed him a card trick. Ever since then Joe has been hooked.
Filmmaker: Jason Sager

Source: YouTube

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Winning Strategies for Playing Blackjack : Snap Shot Count Strategies for Blackjack

4 thoughts on “Winning Strategies for Playing Blackjack : Snap Shot Count Strategies for Blackjack

  1. And If like 6 high cards were dealt out then there's a good chance the next card will be smaller. Not guarenteed but a good chance.

  2. This is usually what I do. The count has to be so high in 6 and 8 deck games that simply browsing for higher or lower cards is quite effective. High counts don't happen that often. You're just playing the waiting game, having some fun and drinks. When the right shuffle happens, it's pretty obvious even to the dealer. The dealer doesn't care as his tips go up when players are doing well, but the casino may make him shuffle and it's back to the waiting game.

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