Hand reading exercise

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Analysis of a hand without known hole cards: One player appears to have a premium pair and to get outdrawn by a passive player in the blinds.

Source: YouTube

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Hand reading exercise

10 thoughts on “Hand reading exercise

  1. I was enjoying the video up until your belch at the end of the video which made me feel disgusted

  2. villian could have a 3x, Jx, 33, 77, IMO… No real reason to raise those hands OOP with PFR doing all the betting. He might of got more value if he checked river. Good video thanks

  3. Really good video buddy, I want to learn how to get better at ranges & hand combinations. Any suggestions? I will definitely subscribe & keep up the good training 👍 Very well executed & explained

  4. Good info pal but that beeping is super annoying with earphones in.
    And the belch…really?

  5. Well your analysis is better (not by much) than putting V in BB on a specific hand. BB calling range PF includes 33, 77, QJs, JTs.

    OTF and OTT he let the PFR do the betting for him. Why push the cart when the donkey will pull it.

    OTR your assertion that he has to have a J is flawed. The PFR has 18 combinations of over pairs, 4 combinations of AJ. The BB is getting great odds to get it in.

  6. How did you produce this, hear the beeping and leave it in? It's horrible man.. Thanks for the analysis though!

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