Bluff of the Year? Poker Player Goes Crazy with Ace-High!

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Sean Winter and Ali Imsirovic battle at the $25,000 High Roller final table when Winter decided to go absolutely crazy with just ace-high! Was this the bluff of the year or should Ali Imsirovic have gone all in?

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Source: YouTube

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10 thoughts on “Bluff of the Year? Poker Player Goes Crazy with Ace-High!

  1. Thanks i really needed that extended side shot of a guy chewing with his mouth open

  2. Snap calling turn and snap folding river means Ali wasn't thinking this hand through properly. Neither player has Aks/Ako, winter is only repping AA or 3 combos of KK. Worth considering a call on the river. Anyway really interesting fun hand to watch!

  3. Schindler just absolutely destroying some popcorn while he enjoys the chaos he started.

  4. what an guy, his greed to not lose in third costed him the potential 1st place . now he will lose in third

  5. Why would you describe what the whole video is all about in the title leaving no space for excitement ?

  6. How could he not make that call. Winter is a maniac with the chips. If your playing these high stakes tournaments, you need to make that call at the final table. You cannot be afraid to lose those chips. I say it was a bad lay down with the amount of chips in the pot. If he was gonna fold those queens, he should of done it pre-flop. Why give up 75% of your Chips? Insane poker decisions at the top level. Makes me think it was a chip dump.

  7. His stupid frowning face is sooo annoying ๐Ÿ˜ค Is he trying to push a fart out or summit ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

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