10 thoughts on “$18,346,673 Poker Hand: Antonio Esfandiari vs Sam Trickett

  1. @PokerGo – Easy question here: why is there a "$" Dollar Sign in your title for the video as it relates to the size of the pot?

    This video was posted 2 days ago, May 11, 2023, and you STILL are being misleading (or at a bare, bare, bare minimum) incompetent when you intentionally misrepresent the size of this pot in dollars instead of tournament chips.

    Either you're intentionally trying to bait people to watch your videos, or you are completely incompetent in naming your videos. And I don't think it's the latter.

    You're too big and too popular of an organization to need these mistakes/tactics/strategies. Get someone in there that isn't that dumb. It's annoying to people who play cash games.

    # of Tournament Chips is not = $ US Dollars.

  2. Why didn't he buy turn and River cheap. Check call and the tournament goes on

  3. With only a fd…? đŸ™ˆ
    Simple call to catch guaranteed flush or fold/bluff on the turn as possible straight… đŸ¥¶

  4. At some point after playing all week, it just comes down to two players and two cards and you're tired.

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