Baccarat: The Futility of Patterns and Progressions

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Baccarat players, along with roulette and a few other games, are notorious for paying attention to the past in determining what their next wager should be. But cards, dice and wheels don’t remember us. The past is irrelevant in these games. What came before is meaningless — it is the eternal now.

In this video I present a spreadsheet that allows the user to simulate playing 1000 shoes of baccarat, using one of two systems. There is a simulation of the classical “martingale” system of betting (double up after a loss). There is also a simulation of “streak betting” (bet Player after two Player wins, otherwise don’t bet). Both of these perform exactly as expected, giving the house edge as the most likely outcome.

The spreadsheet that accompanies this video is available for you to download at or you can find it here:

Source: YouTube

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Baccarat: The Futility of Patterns and Progressions