How We’re Flat Betting Baccarat

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How We’re Flat Betting Baccarat

10 thoughts on “How We’re Flat Betting Baccarat

  1. Hey Wilson
    I anxiously made my way to a casino in and got started on my very first shoe. Unfortunately I did not have the same result as you. I quickly encountered a short Series of terrible threes and quickly lost six in a row. Later on in the middle of the very same shoe I encountered another series of terrible threes and it actually lost 13 times in a row. If you look on the very first shoe of this video that you made you will see in the middle of that shoe that you also would have encountered a series of terrible threes and you would have lost six or more times as well. I know you had mentioned that you wanted to make some adjustments with the terrible threes. Any luck with that yet? Please let us know

  2. What casino had a stadium live dealer? As always "hit and run" is always the best. plus, it give you a break.

  3. I just tried this approach. It took me 22 hands but I eventually lost all 6 chips. 🤣🤣

  4. Hi, Wilson, It's good to see u are making video's on FLAT betting, & tweaks on it, Waiting to see the tweak of this system, thanks

  5. Hello Wilson!! Keep up the good work, your videos always brighten up my day and glad you left the casino with dollars in your pocket 👍👍👍

  6. I have been a fan of yours since the beginning. Shoutout to Wilson for his free of charge on his different strategies to play baccarat game. All of the shared strategies out there, I have found this one is a good strategy. You just need to fine tune it yourself so it will fit your style of play. I would concentrate on sufficient bankroll and apply his hit and run mentality. There you go my fellow baccarat players!! Thank you, Wilson, for your continued sharing with all of us without charging a penny. God less!!

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