Baccarat Strategies – Business Blueprint For Professional Level Play

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Visit for more free info – Please subscribe for more baccarat lessons from professional baccarat player Thomas Boch aka Dr. Tom aka the Bacdoctor. There is an old saying that without a goal or a blueprint you will never know when you are finished or when you have arrived. In this video veteran baccarat coach and trainer, Dr. Tom, aka the bacdoctor, lays out a game plan or blueprint demonstrating how a gambler with a solid bet selection and money management could start with just $10 units and in 90 days be making a quarter of a million dollars a year. This blueprint could be used regardless of the game played….blackjack, baccarat, roulette, craps or pai gow.. Contact Dr. Tom directly: Phone: +1 717-503-1267 email: WEBSITE:

Source: YouTube

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Baccarat Strategies – Business Blueprint For Professional Level Play

8 thoughts on “Baccarat Strategies – Business Blueprint For Professional Level Play

  1. hai doc its savinder who reached u now …….my no is +639991051712….call me doc i need ur help to beat philliphine casino.

  2. I have a great playing system that is exceptionally consistent, however I only aim at 1 unit per day, I feel that the longer you spend in house chasing higher targets is truly in the house's advantage. I do however also like the growth factor you have implemented, I'd like to send you some literature you may enjoy reading, regarding a lot of aspects of playing and maintaining a system over the long run. I'm just busy writing it all up still, but as soon as it's done maybe we could liaise to make it even better.

  3. I have been playing baccarat for over 20 years now and I’ve used systems before. It works in the short run but it will fail you over time.

  4. Does your strategy a real winning one… Not a scam like the one from the illusionist Jay Silva ?

  5. Hi James,
    Here is what I would offer as evidence which you will not find from other system sellers.
    On my website I have posted live play trip reports for a year.
    Legitimate testimonials and an actual blog with lots of good free advice.
    Last, I ALWAYS answer the phone.
    Thanks for your question.

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