8 thoughts on “Baccarat Winning Strategies ” LIVE PLAY ” By Gambling Chi 7/7/20

  1. Got the Zen feeling going on with those wind chimes lol.
    Were you going off Chi at the start? You had a betting opportunity for player, but said you would of bet on possible trend on banker. Then followed it up with another banker when it hadn't gone 4 yet. Kind of lost me at the start.

  2. Bro I can’t tell you how many videos I’ve had to remake because the software picks up the wrong mic. It bad lol

  3. Glad to see you are back. I lose more hands than l win and guess what…? I lose overall with martingale. Will try D’alembert next time. Did you develop Probability system yourself or is it a hybrid?

  4. Hi Chi, Hope your keeping well? I tried something the other day I called it 10×10, so start the shoe with 10 free hands then just bet on the hand that has come out most for 10 bets on that side then swap and keep doing that, the down side is if you get a run on one side it takes time to build the balance back up. also I wasn't coming down in chips just starting back at one when I got back near the balance……so if it goes on a run on the opposite side at the start more than 4 stop at the 5 then miss one then jump back in. have a go see what you think.

  5. Hi Chi, I developed a simulator to apply with the Chi 1 Chi 2 betting system. Unfortunately, the performance is not as good as the ones you showed in your episodes. would you please check if I made anything wrong? https://youtu.be/u3M13LcEj94

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