6 thoughts on “Baccarat Winning Strategy ” LIVE PLAY ” By Gambling Chi ..8/16/20

  1. Way to go! The system was slow but it caught on in the end and was a breeze to your profit goal. I heard someone say shoes change tendencies about 3 or 4 times. Streaky or Choppy it can be ONE then switch to the OTHER several times. Most importantly be able to jump ON it when things turn in YOUR favor.
    Have a GREAT day today😎

  2. Just so you know I wasn't implying that straight D'Alembert was better than your MM adjutments. THIS time straight D'Alembert was the quickest road to profits & your win goal. When things are going BADLY then your MM helps to prevent disaster. MOST of the time straight D'Al will be just fine without additional MM. However on those times we go down the rabbit hole then your MM adjustments are superior. I do the same thing but I do the sacrifices when my bets are up HIGH and I am getting nervous. Once I am down in my comfort zone (4 units) then I do straight D'Alembert.

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