9 thoughts on “How to beat BACCARAT !! REAL $$$ ” Live Casino ” Playing the Chop !! Cheers : ))

  1. I have been recommending your channel. Proof of patience and Battleship to the Watergun fight. Love it. Nice work. 417 to 452

  2. Also!! I waould really loke to do a chat with you or a video call! My method would have gotten you the +35 early and easy with about the same exposure. It is also recognizeable. When you see symetrical P B shapes (somwtime requires rearranging the visual by borrowing from another column) the tie tends to come down. Love to show you using your prefered platform. (I imagine that is Wozard of odds). I like real cards myself. Online, I like Evolution and Stake.

  3. Excellent display Chi. A Struggling shoe for you is STILL a 2 or 3 Unit Victory. ( Or chips as you call them ) Struggling for almost ANY body else would mean being down several hundred or Thousands of dollars. On another note, I am sorry I didn't email you yet I will try to again this week if I can. This is important what I need to tell you and it needs to stay off this platform. But Once more you have made some more than excellent content. 😎

  4. We know that (long-term) 50% of all hands are single chops, 25% of all hands are double chops, and 12.5% of all hands are triple chops. This means that over 87% of the time, we will not see more than 3 consecutive bankers or players. Therefore, if you are only looking for a 3-5 unit win, you could have waited for a double chop to appear before making your first wager. If you lose (and it becomes a triple chop) make your second wager; if your second wager loses, then stop playing until there is another wagering opportunity. It could potentially take longer to reach your profit target, but this more conservative approach could potentially keep you from larger losing streaks. Additionally, I would suggest taking advantage of potentially long streaks when either 5 consecutive chops appear (betting for chops to continue to appear) or when 5 consecutive players or bankers appear (betting "house way'); utilizing the methods described here would have performed extremely well both during your live play session and your practice play session.

  5. I think best way to beat baccarat game is, Do not let casino put hands in your pocket.

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