4 thoughts on “Random baccarat strategy. Works pretty well!

  1. Me and you have the same ideas buddy. My first comment was a little confusing. It's crazy that it doesn't work out like we think it should. You're definitely right it will work in the short run. Baccarat is a hard game to get a handle on. Keep hustling and keep up the good work

  2. i never had met a single person who has won money on the long run from baccarat.
    baccarat is too fast pace for significant profiting. its to volatile and too much risk. unless you have more money than the corporation itself.
    just do it recreational. not for business.

  3. You need to stairway it and grind it all out so it goes (whatever your min bet) 1/1-2/2-3/3-4/4 and if you win goes back to min bet and check out Brunsonfx AIM baccarat game.

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