6 thoughts on “Baccarat strategy – Betting against streaks – Didn’t go according to plan!

  1. Man do not bet against streaks, it's the money maker for most of the players. Percentage doesn't mean jack in this 50/50 game, you flip a coin long enough you will get a long streak of head or tail, the same applies to baccarat as well. Just because it's rare doesn't mean it can not happen, that's gambler's fallacy.

  2. "I refuse to end the video this early." I've done that a few times and blown my balance, it's annoying. It's when things don't go according to the "Profitable" plan. Need a plan for stopping sooner, that's all that is mate. Unlucky this time. Great content cheers for sharing.

  3. Unlucky mate, sods low the next hand would have won. Impressive beard though.

  4. Tried this today. Adapted it. An covered upto 7 marty. Believe it or not got upto 6 and 7 Marty back to back. So the most stressful 2 units profit I’ve had.

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