Different Baccarat Strategies II. Bet Selection

Baccarat Tips Video Source & Information:

Different Baccarat Strategy II Bet Selection and Money Management
Current Bankroll $2100
Music credit Blue Mountain by Gabriel Witcher

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Source: YouTube

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Different Baccarat Strategies II. Bet Selection

3 thoughts on “Different Baccarat Strategies II. Bet Selection

  1. Wizard is not easy to beat! Loved the video and your thought process! Good work Mo!

  2. Thank you for another awesome video, me personally I practice at the wizzard and I'm totally cool with it, you've definitely opened my eyes in some awesome ways that if I stay disciplined I believe I don't have to worry about losing alot of money, still in extreme practice mode, this last weekend I believe I made 12 units "dollars " online doing excalty what your doing, going for hit-n-runs. I would suggest being cautious with any crypto exchanges, I guess the safest way is to use a wallet and I'm not savvy with these things and I believe another utuber lost 1000 bucks recently using crypto. I pay the 7% interest to bet online for training grounds myself with a debit. Anyhow I hope you're having a good day Mo

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