Make £500 in baccarat explained

Baccarat Tips Video Source & Information:

A simple guide how this strategy works, is a good strategy what in right hands can be a treasure

Source: YouTube

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Make £500 in baccarat explained

8 thoughts on “Make £500 in baccarat explained

  1. you mentioned you are gonna bet on a player… and your buddy gonna bet on a banker? lose wont occur except for the commission.? im trying to do play the same way., thanks!

  2. Hi there I watched your other video it said to wait for 2 Players/banker then play the third one. which method you like better Also do you recommend doing 3 banks as well Thank you Brad for sharing this info

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing your strategy. I have a question what do mean by playing like a robot?

  4. hey Brad I need more explain about the bet other video it said to wait for 2 Players/banker then play the third how about this one you mean ppp then bet on p#4?

  5. i play baccarat more then 5 years and not need to be Super Master jjsut need to be logical and not logikal mind to can win not all the same situations are provided the same results, its like girl she wants something but dont know what)..i have results of 100 000 shoes and 78%+ win rate not buy nothing you can create your self if have lots of games experience, can consult people who are interested by baccarat email me :

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