GAMES WORKSHOP COULD LEARN FROM THESE! – My 5 Favourite Miniature Wargame Mechanics

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GAMES WORKSHOP COULD LEARN FROM THESE! – My 5 Favourite Miniature Wargame Mechanics

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GAMES WORKSHOP COULD LEARN FROM THESE! – My 5 Favourite Miniature Wargame Mechanics

10 thoughts on “GAMES WORKSHOP COULD LEARN FROM THESE! – My 5 Favourite Miniature Wargame Mechanics

  1. My 5 favorites.

    Infinity order pool ultimate options for making the most of a turn. Want to burn everything in one model go for it. Only took two orders to accomplish your goal great time for a new plan and another model taking center stage.

    Infinity aro there is never really down time in a game because even on your opponents turn you can impact the game and their plans.

    Warmachine's 2d6 and boost system. Best dice mechanics in war gaming hands down.

    Conquest the alternating activation and deck building each turn and the impact it has on the turn and game.

    Malifaux fate deck. Already explained.

  2. I like Tomorrows War and Polyversal .
    They use a basic to hit, TW is always a 4 to hit, PolyV is the DEF of the target, cover and stuf adjusted of course, dice rolled based on skill and weapons.
    In PolyV you have an advantage you go up a die type, with +s after a d12, and you go down is at a disadvantage.

    Both offer a host of options and allow you to build up a good game.
    PolyV is 6mm for the most part combined arms, Land, Sea, Air.
    TW is more Future War, skirmish to company level.

    I do wish more games would move off d6s, almost 17% chance of a Crit or always hitting, is just too high.
    Also with a d10 it allows one to define stats of models better.
    A human say is a 4.
    An elf a 3.
    An Orc a 5.
    A super warrior in an augmented suit a 5, or if a really big one a 6.
    A robot made for war a 6 or 7
    A bug made for war maybe a 4, that really big bug might be a 8.

    I find that this allows many special rules to fall away, as the stat difference can show what the rule was doing.

    Like a you are never afraid and are part of a group of élite warriors that have spent over 100 years learning and fighting.
    You Courage, or Morale might be a 10.
    Meaning unless something was done to decrease it, you will not fail.

    In PolyV a Critical is rolling all three dice the same number, sometimes two.
    Also your to Hit Roll is also you Damage Roll.
    With a few Exceptions that is it Roll 3 Dice and see what happens, it takes into effect Weaponry Type, Model's Skill in one roll.

  3. To The Strongest uses a card deck to replace dice — but the deck is shared between players and it is burned through really fast.
    It makes sense for the movement/order system (where you need to remember the previous value used), but IMHO for the combat it doesn't really add anything.

  4. The bluffing mechanics from Moonstone are great. Also, the stat simplicity of Song of Blades and Heroes where you have quality and combat, and those are the only stats for a model. The activation rules are dynamic and you make a gamble if you want to generate more actions for a model, risking giving the turn to your opponent.

  5. Check out pulp alley. It has the dice pool mechanic but has not only adding dice but moving the dice type: i.e. instead of a d6, you go up to a d8.
    All units hit on 4+. Always.
    It also has a card deck for success mechanic and a very different turn order mechanic. The director.
    It is worth a look.

  6. Infinity's activation system and ARO mechanics are fantastic, closest thing to playing counter strike on the table top that I know of.

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