1 thought on “Precision Blackjack Introduction

  1. So if third base hits a 13 against a six, he's going to probably going to start a fistfight if the dealer gets an eighteen and beats everybody. He's going to look like a fool and the mood of the players will get pretty ugly especially if there's drinking involved. This is ridiculous. No competent sane bj player would do this. I'd try to stay away from 6 and 8 deck shoes if at all possible and count cards. This clump card analysis is a guessing game at best, and if there is anything to card clumping, it seems impossible to exploit. Reputable and knowledgable analysts like Alan Krigman have shown how such clumps are explainable through statistics alone. A player is going to experience ups and downs.Trying to guess the dealer's hole card or the next card are just going to compound the uncertainty. 

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