Blackjack – An Unexpected Outcome!

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

Las Vegas wants their money back!!! JV is coming off a huge Blackjack win of 7k at the Boulder Station casino. High limit Blackjack with minimum bets of $100. He plays Double Deck Blackjack with hand shuffling in Vegas. Vegas Gamblers plays with REAL money in a live casino in Las Vegas, with permission to film. JV is not sponsored in any way and plays with his own money. All wins and losses are REAL. Thanks for watching High Limit Blackjack with Vegas Gamblers.

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Source: YouTube

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Blackjack – An Unexpected Outcome!

10 thoughts on “Blackjack – An Unexpected Outcome!

  1. I thought that when you split, you are able to play each hand like two separate hands. How come when he split the aces, he only was able to receive one more card after?

  2. Great comeback! I dig the way that dealer dealt cards and would reveal his hole card.

  3. Know when to leave table

    1. When kid sits next you to and "hi guys this my first time!" Leave

    2. When someone bets $5 and bankroll is $100.
    He stays on 16 and his hand is "shaking"…….
    Do you know people like this?
    If your SCARED, you should not be gambling. Leave

    3. When a guy says, i am gambling my paycheque.
    If I lose, I can't pay my rent! Leave

    My bankroll is usually $5k to $10k.
    I try to play a table by myself.
    Or try to find a higher limit, to avoid the "rift raft" avoid the BS and garbage.

    First trip to vegas, I was at Monte Carlo playing blackjack
    I was up $13,000.
    A pretty girl sits next to me and says "lets go up to your room"

    I was thinking girls are not shy in vegas. The dealer told me she was a hooker and all the dealers knew who she was!
    I told her I was busy

    Shout out to DANA WHITE!
    I played at a table wirh him at RED ROCK.

  4. i really dont like the way a dealer open aplayer card. he see it firist before the player

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