Handling Heat as a Card Counter

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

What does it mean to get ‘heat’ as a Card Counter? When the phone is ringing, should you keep playing or call it a session? Colin shares what often happens before a backoff, what a backoff can look like and a few different ways Card Counters can respond.

Videos Colin Mentioned:
The Truth about Backoffs as a Card Counter

Casino Backoff for Card Counting – Blackjack Apprenticeship

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Source: YouTube

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Handling Heat as a Card Counter

10 thoughts on “Handling Heat as a Card Counter

  1. One thing you forgot to mention which I think is important is finding out or asking a dealer casualty “hey is that the shift manager/VP of table games?” If they say yes and he’s hawking your game from the podium odds are you've got some heat.

    If it’s a low level floor person, then you know you’re okay.

  2. and what do you try to do when the pit boss calls over "pit bulls" who try to take you out back & ??????

  3. Lmao I remember when a pit boss backed me off in Laughlin nevada, all I was doing was doubling up when I lose, sometimes it works well in my favor other times the casino takes me. But I was floored when the pit boss told me I could only stick to one bet and I was only stating at $5 talk about a casino desperate for money. That was within 7 hands of sitting down I just left and went to another casino.

  4. “We paid for rental cars-hook-ahhlll this stuff” 👌🤣🤣🤣

  5. I never got backed off, only that the pit boss came over and started talking to my wife and I making smalltalk to distract us from our count. We bought in for $60 each and within 2 hours we had $2000 – and we just packed it in.

  6. So you can't count but how are you supposed to keep track lol? Why did you even take any math courses in school. Just to get a grade and a pat on your back cause u aced it🤣🤣🤣🤣.Oh I'll just get drunk and keep betting until money runs out 🤣🤣. Here just take my money.

  7. Why didn't I think to just copy a pro counter's bet in vegas when a dude told me that's how he made his leaving.

  8. How do I reach you? I know the basic strategy and the hi lo system pretty well, but have never been taught how to bet meaning how much and when meaning how positive should it be? I would like to learn more from you

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