How To Play Blackjack – How To Split

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A guide of how splitting works in Blackjack.
Droid Slots Main Site:
Play Blackjack at Sapphire Rooms:

This week, we’re looking at how to split in Blackjack. Splitting in Blackjack is when the player gets 2 of the same card value. They can then choose to split their hand into two new hands. The player then draws cards on each of these split hands, acting as if he is playing two games on blackjack.

Along with splitting their hand, the player must also double their bet, betting on each split hand individually. Splitting costs double the money, but gives the player double the chance of winning on a strong hand.

In this video, we’ll discuss the basic strategies you’ll need when splitting and all the things you need to know about when to split in the first place. Just because a hand can be split, doesn’t mean it should be.

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Source: YouTube

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How To Play Blackjack – How To Split