How to Play Optimum Strategy at Blackjack

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

The rules of Blackjack are simple. Both the player and the dealer are trying to get to 21. The player can take cards at any number below 21 but the dealer will only take cards below 17. If the player’s total cards equal higher than the dealer’s total, then the player wins, up to 21. If the player bust by getting a total of higher than 21, then the dealer wins. If both the player and dealer have the same card total, then this is a push and the no one wins or loses. The dealer has the advantage at Blackjack because even if the dealer busts, the player doesn’t win if they have busted. Optimum Blackjack strategy helps decrease the dealer’s edge at the game. Blackjack is a fun game to play with friends and we do not encourage gambling.

Source: YouTube

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How to Play Optimum Strategy at Blackjack