10 thoughts on “You’re Playing 11 vs 10 Wrong #blackjack #cardcounting #blackjackstrategy #casino #gambling

  1. That is one thing I tell my friends when I play without knowing basic strategy. Since I only play double deck I tell them I will always double even when deal shows face or 10. You have to make your own luck to have the edge. The best wins isnt getting 21 on the double down. It's when you double and get like a 14 and beat the dealer because they bust.

  2. I played in a casino where if you bust you don't automatically lose, if the dealer bust with a total higher than yours then you push! I was doubling down on 12s all day against the dealer's 5s and 6s

  3. Basic strategy betting tables are specific to each kind of Blackjack game. 2 decks, 6 decks, dealer standing vs hitting on soft 17. Be aware of which game you are playing vs which betting table you are using.

  4. You know what makes you more money that doubling down? Never stepping inside a casino. Gambling is a trap and has destroyed countless lives. Save your damn money

  5. Really you double 11 even on an Ace because if they had a blackjack you would never get to hit anyways

  6. This only counts in american blackjack where you know the dealer wont get blackjack on a 10 or ace since theycheck the card. In european blackjack the dealer only gets 1 card, so you never double on 10/11 against 10 or ace 🙂

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