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So do I leave or stay when they call shuffle after raising my bet?
The half cut happened to me… Had to take my medicine and walk away
Funny how I've only gotten the 4th pre-backoff ceremony in the past 😂 the other steps were always skipped. Fun fact, im not even a card counter just luck n it's the fact that i would play weird hands on purpose to try n "fix" the shoe that made the pit bosses think i was counting😂😂😂
in general . pretty how casinos work , especially for card counters . I had a chance to learn but never put effort into it .. I'm mor of degenerate slot grinder . lol 😮😢 .. yea I've had my fair share of losses an then sum 😅 . 😢😮
I was playing a 4 deack shoe and out of nowhere. They asked for a new shuffle my count was plus 2 not even good
They Half cut me on a double deck which is still positive EV (WAY more risk of course and less EV).
I get betting hard and winning. They were pissed.
They only want you to play the game if your losing.
That's where you don't tip the dealer. So you don't feel bad not tipping the dealer.
Decades ago in LV, I suffered through 5 dealer changes in less than a half hour…then I left with my winnings.😊