Quitting the 9 to 5: From Accountant to Blackjack Pro | BJA107

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Have you ever contemplated leaving your job to pursue Card Counting as a profession? Our guest “Plazity” did just that. An accountant-turned-blackjack professional delves into his journey of leaving his office job to pursue a life on the road while playing high stakes Blackjack. In this interview Plazity provides invaluable advice & practical tips on what to consider, the potential return, and the risks involved in what it’s really like to play full-time Blackjack.

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Basic Strategy:

0:00 Training Process
3:45 Card Counting Sabbatical
9:02 Leaving Job to Count Cards Full-Time
12:08 Playing Style
17:54 Road Lifestyle
24:18 Playing Pro vs as a Beginner
32:00 Credit Card Churning
36:48 Backroom-ing
40:24 Advice for Beginners
43:42 Card Counting Stories
48:39 Future plans for Blackjack

Source: YouTube

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Quitting the 9 to 5: From Accountant to Blackjack Pro | BJA107

10 thoughts on “Quitting the 9 to 5: From Accountant to Blackjack Pro | BJA107

  1. Great interview, love this channel so much, it's really helpful! Maybe a little off topic but does anyone has tips on counting in Europe? Seems to me the continent is flooded by continuous shuffling machines 🙁 Got the skills and the bankroll, but not the locations.. Would be nice to try it out when I hear stories like theirs, but it's kind of too much of a commitment to travel/move to the US for this, lol. At least when starting out.

  2. Playing fulltime, we basically need have good bankroll management as well as mental strength to know when is good to walk away. Chasing a loss inadvertently will spiral down a rabbit hole and you can end up worse

  3. Poor guy eating at Golden Corral,,, if you seen the kitchens you’d never eat there again 🤢

  4. Interesting interview. I have a high degree of confidence of who it is but obviously since it is concealed I will not say anything. Really enjoy this stuff Colin, thanks.

  5. He made 465k? Listened to the entire thing and didn't hear anything about 465k. Maybe I missed it

  6. In my opinion its not a good idea to quit your job and become a full time gambler…

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