10 thoughts on “You’re Playing Soft 18 Wrong #blackjack #cardcounting #casino #gambling #basicstrategy

  1. Yeah double a soft 18 against 2,3 and see how much money you have left in your bank after a month. The basic strategy are for beginners and don’t forget the casino come up with that. Hitting or not are depending on how many hands you’re playing. Are you by yourself on the table or not? If this hand on the anchor spot? I would never double on a soft 18, it’s not a strong hand don’t waste money. I would hit and extra card or two to save the table but that’s depending on how much I wager

  2. You see how he slipped that “for us” after winning hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  3. Well, if you lose at 18 , let it be, I wouldn’t wanna lose two hands instead of just one by doubling or hitting against face card. And most of the time the 18 ended well

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