craps 101-lecture 1-why craps?

Learn Craps Video Source And Information:

First of several lectures on fundamentals and strategies when playing craps

Source: YouTube

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craps 101-lecture 1-why craps?

7 thoughts on “craps 101-lecture 1-why craps?

  1. thanks for this

    i am going to AC on friday and have been studying videos and practicing online and will be playing craps for the first time

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  3. Hey love your vids, used to be a Slot machine fool until i discovered the true fun of table games! A craps Table is intimidating but, really, the basics are easy enough for a child!! thanks so much 🙂

  4. Yeah, a Ph.d. putting out a presentation where the first bit of advice on one page is "Be Patience". I've got some advice of my own: Be Onion.

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