10 thoughts on “Craps Slot Machine: Real Live Craps Slot Machine in Las Vegas

  1. I’ve won several thousand on this machine in Shreveport and Marksville La. If you don’t utilize the DC on this machine you’re crazy.

  2. You need to start backing your pass line and don't pass line bets…you are giving the house a huge edge and you are loosing money. Just say'in.

  3. Why would anyone only bet on the pass line/point and nothing else? Ridiculous waste of time. Stupid.

  4. Man, you should always bet some $$ on the hard ways, even if it's just $1. That way if you hit the hard ways, like you did on the hard 4, you could take the hard way $$ and press up your hard ways. Before you know it, you'll be making some serous coins on those hard way bets. 🙂

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