Craps Strategy Video Information:
With the lowest minimums on the Craps tables in Las Vegas not dropping less than $15, you’re gonna need some options on how to play. In this video, I share with you some options that I personally use on the craps table when I play. We all know that every Craps table is different and every Craps shooter is also different so you can’t use a “one strategy fits all” so that is why you’re gonna need options to help you adjust when the Craps table gets hot and when it gets cold.
“May the Dice be Nice”…..HCS
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Source: YouTube

Love this, as you know. Getting to your foundation is the most important thing for people to understand about this game. The only way to win big is to press and the only way you should be pressing is when you can do so with no risk.
Play one of these options "SO THAT" you can get to the foundation that you want to play from, and then you can press and pull profit to your personal taste, but do it from a safe place.
Try this strategy and please name it the Creole Cajun Strategy lol no serious New Orleans representing
So you want to place every box number except the point
Place $15 on 4,5,6,8,,9,10 except for there point should have $75 across
On the come out roll place $75 don't pass do minor hedging with $15 any 7
After this place your box numbers as mentioned above $75 across…everytime we hit a point we collect and take down never press never leave up just take down the numbers you hit….If they 7 out after 2 or more rolls you'll be profitable and thank me later….If they 7 out on 1st roll you will only be down $15
You will lose some money if they hit there point but will determine how many of your points they hit first you could be ahead or a wash….
Whats SRR?
Laying the 4 sounds good. Waiting for the 7 and then betting inside. Good one.
Where you in Vegas last Tuesday?
Best strategy I've found so far!
I love your videos and strategies and play something very similar to this but I have another option I use to get to the break even point as quickly as possible. I don’t like putting the big money at risk initially only to regress to $66 inside because inevitably you will get hit and wipe out all your profits from the last hour of play. I lay the 4 on the come out for $50 but this is just a separate side bet for me. If the 7 comes, great, I start ahead of the game $25. Once the point is established, I take down the lay bet and place the $66 inside and same hard way bets as you. On the first hit, I do what I have to do to cover the 4 and 10. If it’s a $10 table, I’ll just go $10 each and rack the $1, taking down the hard way bets. If it’s a $15 table, I take down the hard way bets and add $5 to get $15 on the 4 and 10. On the 2nd hit, I collect the $21 and bring down the 4 and 10 giving me $42 profit in the rack. At this point, I lay the 4 or 10 again for $50. Sometimes I throw in a corresponding $5 hard way bet to hedge the lay bet. Now, I have $42 profit after only 2 hits and only a 4 keeps me from being basically even on the next hit or a seven. I usually leave the lay bet up for 2 hits so that I’m in profit. I take it down and collect and press from there. There is risk with the lay bet but I never have to risk $165 to $410 and after 2 hits, I’m fairly confident about at least staying even and possibly having a shot at a long roll. When the inevitable point seven happens, I only lose $70 which is much easier to make up. I may increase my lay on the come out or go up to $88 inside to recoup. You can play this at higher levels as well. The math seems to work playing the inside numbers, taking 2 hits profit, and then laying the 4 or 10 for an amount that puts you even if a 7 comes. Take that lay down when you get in profit and do whatever you want from there. Hope you like this option #5.
Why don't you hop the easy 4 on the come out for option 4?
When you say rhythm Roller can you give a more indepth description of this roller? Please. Thank you.😊
Great video – thanks for making it