Any seven and field craps strategy.

Craps Strategy Video Information:

The field will give you lots of break even rolls that is the advantage.of the field.

The point will not matter this is a every roll strategy. Do I didn’t use the puck

In the upper ends of the Progression You will not profit becomes more about recovery

I recommend 60 units of what level you will be playing at to start. Hope that’s enough or all will be lost 😞

Could be a great side bet to another strategy.

Source: YouTube

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Any seven and field craps strategy.

6 thoughts on “Any seven and field craps strategy.

  1. What Craps app do you use?
    Mine got rid of small denominations of chips.
    The smallest chip is worth $100 now.
    Which is dumb if it's a $250 limit table.

    I complained to the developers. They said that this was what their players wanted.
    Yeah, sure!

    A.N.Y.W.A.Y.S……just wondering what app you use?

  2. Interesting
    I think maybe if you hit 2 or 12 then you regress by 1 unit (for bankroll management)

  3. So hey… I like this strategy but what if you did the field with hop the 7's instead of any seven….hopping the 7's pays 15-1 instead of 4-1 …so for example…..a 15 dollar field and 5 dollar on each of the 7's….gives you the same outcome but pays more…..if you hit a 7 at 5 dollars it pays 75 well 15+5+5=25 when you take out what you lost you make 50 dollars.
    So now do that at any level it does better then any 7. I would love to see this played out

  4. Like all strategies, this will lose in the long run with a house edge of 11.1%. For the best chance with this strategy, play at a table that pays 3:1 on the 2 or 12 AND use Hop the 7s. This will bring the house edge down to 6.95%.

  5. I really like what you’re doing but I’d def hop. If you counted up all those washes you’d get $10 each ($5 per hop)

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