10 thoughts on “Best Horn Strategy!$$$$$$ Cha Ching! πŸ€‘ πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ’°πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

  1. Just rolled this out at a lower level and did surprisingly well. Won $450 in 5 shooters! Another strat from the BOW!

  2. I was skeptical at first because of the high place bets, silly me, I should not have been because it is Waylon's Strat. Will definitely try this. If it works well for me i may use to supplement my social security and move to Las Vegas baby. Another great one Waylon. Thanks

  3. I love it Waylon,I'm gonna have to try out this strategy and dice set.What app on your phone do you use ?

  4. Waylon, this is one of best strategies you've ever created!!! Thanks for sharing! Roll Tide!!!

  5. I like it, it's like an iron cross with bonus numbers, an iron cross on steroids!!!!

  6. 11:10 A 2 then a 12 on demand. Power to the player! This one shows up ready to rock and roll! Very similar to my main hybrid play (named Boxcars) which uses single hit and parlayed Field bets. Your bet proportions are basically the same. I hop the 2,12 (or a hot HW) and the last 2 dice combos that were thrown to catch the streaks including Reds. For that one, I always set 6-2, 6-2, which hits all four Field hardways. Toss any HW set into the mixing bowl to hit the Reds. Always ON with the one-roll bets. Thanks WS! Hit it and quit it!πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

  7. Truly enjoy your works, presentation is subtly knowledgeable. Thanks a bunch fat bunch bank roll, I couldn't be a bigger fan,can't cool down white hot hands

  8. I have been using this strategy for 3 days straight, having a bank roll of 3000, I up 2000 minimum before I bail out. Nice and good strategy. I might as week use your other stats when push come to shove.

  9. Really like this strategy because it covers all the numbers except for the 4,10,and 7 but how would I scale this down? Thanks

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