7 thoughts on “Craps feed the 6&8 craps strategy.

  1. Rough start – thanks for putting up your great video that can use next I get on a table. put you up on the website Jesse

  2. You can’t beat a classic.
    I current working on the opposite way, starting on the 6 & 8 for 2x the table minimum.
    One hit and spread to minimum inside, collecting the profit
    Collect the next hit and then full press on what hits (5 hits it would become x2 table minimum)
    If you hit any number that is pressed you collect and take that number down.
    I going to post it to the group today for thoughts

  3. I like this idea and it's easy to adjust. I will do this strategy , but use the 6/8 to feed the 5/9. Two hits on a 5 or 9 and the string is paid for. Thanks for the video.

  4. https://youtu.be/HTC05LYtC3A. Check out thunders take on this

  5. Ok cool i see where i went wrong but no worries. Thanks for the videos good sir

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