7 thoughts on “Craps strategy ” 36 Full Press The Blender” revisited.

  1. El toro tried it with large bets and did well. (giving credit to Señor Cleveland….36 P btw)

  2. definition of blender strategy ''major hedging for chump change profits'' .. 7 on come outroll will kill this strategy over long term. PLAIN AND SIMPLE casinos wished everyone played it ……………………guy who originated tapped out playing it. hasn't played it on his channels for months……………………repeaters also kill it on dc side ………………based on bad math………so me a tape where it been lucrative –guy loses on his tapes when he plays it………………………….

  3. Some casinos will not rate your play high or at all when you hedge so depending on where you're at this won't always be good for comps, if played with a few feild bets maybe they'll consider that enough action IDK, anyway I just wanted to point that out good video 👍

  4. Wow this strategy really is solid as a rock and you couldn’t have asked for worse luck in the first 4 minutes

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