10 thoughts on “Craps strategy. Anything but 10!! What I think is ideal.

  1. If you have 135 on the boxes overall and 300 lay on ten (working) and the come out roll is 7 – The lay wins 150 – 15 for the vig at 5% – for a total of 135 ( you loose 135 for the boxes – so would it not be a wash? Where did the 8 dollars come from?

  2. I think I got it the vig is on what you win – not what you bet – is that correct? So you won 150 on the 10 on come out roll at 5% vig which is 7.5 dollars (you rounded down to 7) take 7 dollars away from 150 = 143 dollars (also all box numbers lost 135 dollars) so 8 dollars profit? Hope I finagled correctly. Wow – I am way to slow . LOL –

  3. I like to watch your fast paced throws to test strategies, but a lot of times I listen while I drive and do them in my head, but there are too many times that you don't call what is thrown and or you don't mark the point which makes it difficult at times to follow along. I realize that you are demonstrating one of your strategies and that it probably is not relevant to what you are doing. Just an observation.
    Keep up the great work though! Hope you are playing LFC tomorrow.

  4. You’re definitely on to something here! If you really wanted to grind out, you could wait for a 4 or 10 to roll, lay 300, then do $135 across for 1 hit You’d be banking that the shooter won’t roll back to back 4’s/10’s. Just rack up green chips till you meet your goal. Or play 3 hits like you describe, come down, and if a 4 or 10 rolls, go up for 1 roll as described above to collect a green chip. Again, a grind, but you’re limiting your exposure to the 4/10 even more.

  5. Please don't mind my English I'm a French Canadian

    I tried it on my table for 3 games, lost my '' bankroll'' every time. No luck.

    Well all the strategies are good if the dices are rolling for you.
    Like all the games in the casinos more you risk more you can win or loose.

    Jacob I love playing craps and for me you're the best one to show me so many ways how to play that game. You gave more interest playing it. Thanks.

    Jacob do you really go to casinos bringing between $2000 and $5000 to play games?

  6. Try full press on the number that hit for three hits then take down the press money then start over full press for three hits then take down the press money and keep repeating .

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