10 thoughts on “Craps strategy. “Tool Box” #4. + Base strategy gets crushed.

  1. Great advice bro. Im working on not going tilt. Got my bankroll into the thousands as well from a 1k bankroll. Thanks for the advice on the reality of the game

  2. Great words of advice. Often times find myself being tilted or being out of wackie.

  3. More great insight, thank you. As I watch all theses I’m trying to learn how to pivot out of a situation gracefully. At this point, low and slow, hit your goal and go seems most comfortable. Totally agree you need a plan. I’m looking at this more as money management than an evening out.

  4. A player should have enough money to support 10 bet cycles at very minimum. If You have more than 10% of your bankroll on the table at a given time you're either not sufficiently funded or your tilting.

  5. One time I tried a new 4/10 strategy and got crushed. My $400 bank roll was down to $25. I started to walk away, but realized I could play small ball and try to win something back. My first strategy was a field bet after there were four non field rolls in a row. Then I ran a progression withthe field. Then moved to a 6/8 bet only collecting. Got up to $125 and started the Ultimate 67. Caught a hot shooter and ended up walking out with $450. $50 profit.

  6. Hey yall, I seriously appreciate all the feed back and likes. You guys are what drives this ship. I cant wait to get out to shoot dice with as many of you as I can.

  7. Could you do a $100 don’t pass strategy? I would like to see how you would play with $100 and on the don’t side. Great video as usual!!

  8. Great advice about going on tilt. I would add tilting includes anything that takes you out of your game including not being aggressive enough. Some people will stop playing their game and just min bet 2 or 3 numbers making same bet after getting knocked around. That can eat up the rest of your BR almost as fast as trying to double through the field, I would rather see them just color up If you are a scared player you will likely end up a losing player. Thanks again.

  9. Granted the video isn't even 2 months old, my question is this – would you have adjusted to the don't pass with 2 come bets with how this table was playing if you were having similar experience today? My guess is that would be a good pivot?

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