8 thoughts on “CRAPS! The “Whole Shebang!” My friends strategy!

  1. Very nice run, I really enjoyed the strategy. Yes, I would have turned off the bets when the dice went overboard. Superstitious yep, all the way to the bank.🖖

  2. Very similar to My Cover All but I only roll twice to fund my setup 44 inside with $3 H4 / H10. Please review My setup option I believe its much less risk with $136 vs 7 for only 2rolls. SETUP> YO $2 Any Craps $4, 4/10 $15, 5/9 $20, 6/8 $30. Net Win $24+ per roll. min bank $600 covers 4 wacks ;-/

  3. Any strategy is a winner with that kind of roll. I ran the strategy on a craps app and got wrecked almost immediately.

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