5 thoughts on “New Stadium Style *Live* Craps, Trip 1 Session 1

  1. I'd like to play on a $1 min Triple 12 field game like this and martingale the field bet. Statistically, a $1000 loss is expected to occur 2.24 times a day if there's a new roll every 60 seconds. (if my math is correct).

  2. Hi great vid man, what casino is this Craps setup at? EDIT* Nevermind I watched your follow up video for the answer lol. Excellent and God Bless.

  3. I wish Vegas had there type of craps machines. I think they only have bubble craps. I like to play if travel limits are too high.

  4. Are these real dice , or computer generated dice ; can we see the dice !!!! Are the dice bouncing up and down in a bubble craps machine somewhere ????

  5. Great Vid. What casino was this at? I've seen this version down at Binion's in Vegas.

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