5 thoughts on “PRESS The Wins! Double Up The LOSSES! Craps Strategy!

  1. I have been winning with progression on the don't where I add to the bet after losses but not a double up – that's just too much. Here's my progression: multiples of 2,3,5 – If I lose three in a row, I let the shooter seven out. So the most I lose on any one shooter is three in a row. After that shooter sevens out I start a new progression: multiples of 4,6,10 in order to win my losses back. The beauty of this system is on a choppy table – if I lose one then win one I am ahead. Notice that I can lose two in a row and am back to even if I win the third bet of the sequence. Once I win my money back I start over at the minimum. I never add odds (unless it is a one roll hedge when I am trying to set a DC) because if you lose three in a row the loss of the odds is too hard to recoup – of course if you get up an occasional odds bet may work out. With a $2,000 bankroll I suggest a minimum bet of $20 – so the first progression would be 20-30-50. I have played this system in Vegas at live craps and have 22 winning sessions out of 25 which is a pretty strong win rate. One other wrinkle I add is after the DP is up, then I do one DC with the same starting 20-30-50 sequence. It is a bit of a grind but it is winning in the long run for me. Give it a try.

  2. Pressing wins and doubling on losses sounds like a craps strategy for losing consistently.

  3. I really like the new look to your channel/videos Big AZ!!! I can hear all those subscription buttons being clicked now!!

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