6 thoughts on “Roulette: When to Increase/Decrease Bets????

  1. I'm that typical excel sheet guy with more than 5 years experience in gambling
    when you have a COLD session , nothing works, every betting system will fail
    every betting system has its breaking point, in roulette it's around 40% coldness at 100 spins
    you just have way too many mismatches compared to matches, the side your following is cold and so not really streaking , every gambler needs a decent (upcoming) streaking event for betting levels to work
    the reason why people increase the bets has to do with using a virtual reality to can overcome the real reality …
    I will explain
    suppose you are a red follower … you see 1 black, and so you bet 1 on red
    it's black again; now you bet 2, black again now for instance 3
    assume that when you bet 3 it was red … in the REAL reality 1 red fell, but in your betting VIRTUAL reality there have been fallen THREE reds
    you PRETEND like there were 3 while in reality there was only 1
    so increasing works , YES, as long the coldness is not too significant
    assume your 3 bet lost, then 3 blacks have been fallen in your virtual reality, while in the real reality only 1 black fell

    increasing after losses is ONLY effective when the coldness is within limits (but this you don't know in advance)
    increasing after wins … also dangerous, because if the hotness does NOT occur, an other second cold streak can occur in the near future , then you're basically betting AGAIN 'increasing after losses'
    an other disadvantage of 'increasing after wins' is that your bankroll starts to oscillate with bigger amplitudes

    an other important thing to understand .. at stock markets you can make money with downtrends .. but at roulette you basically can only make money (or there is the most potential) with UP trends … so it's not only a question of which betting systems can stand the test .. it's more about WHEN can you START a gambling session.. the timing problem .. but the timing problem you can answer with expecting an uptrend

  2. This channel contradicts itself. In one video they claim the house edge does not actually affect the player and his/her ability to be profitable and it this they claim the house edge is bound to make the player lag behind. I believe the former statement

  3. Im surprised that no one talks about "risk progression" instead of bet or money progression, yet. Why is that?

  4. Hello! Do you have business contacts? 📞
    Please, Thank you! ♥️♠️

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