10 thoughts on “The “10 for the Win” Strategy! Designed to make money! $$$$

  1. Hey just want to thank you again for all the hard work and videos that you put out. I look forward to all the ones you do.

  2. As always, simple and easy and makes money. My type of strategy. On a side note, I didn't count but, did you notice how many dang times you came back out on the same number for another point?! I swear it kept happening over and over! You did it like 4 times in the 8 at the beginning. That was crazy.

    Thanks Waylon!

  3. I don't see any reason to get beat more then twice by any shooter with this to keep you from getting that DP stack too tall!

  4. You should Tip Randy for laddering up your Don’t Pass lol. Thanks Waylon. This would make a good video for the Daily Paycheck. Christ is King

  5. Interesting, get Laddered up early, then catch a run of wins like your roll-out started… $$$$
    Might help to pick a Win Goal here, when it happens, hit the door!

  6. Just rolled it out on my table was up $100.. should have quit.. lost the $1100 on 8 shooters.. lol
    Gotta go back and try it again.. come on Waylon.. can’t you give us a strategy that never losses!

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